Kargo Blog

The Story Behind: Runway

Written by Natasha Super & Renee Kim | Feb 9, 2023 5:43:54 PM

At Kargo, going the distance for our clients with our design creativity and innovation is just what we do. We're constantly listening, evolving, and innovating in an effort to create beautiful, differentiated ad experiences for our partners. From this determination to understand and effectively service the needs of our advertisers comes our next big offering: Introducing the Runway and its spin-offs: Dual and Wheel! This exclusive ad unit has roots in Kargo’s tried and true Breakaway format but goes even further to elevate the ad slot to a whole new level of user engagement and performance.

The idea for the Runway started in Q3 2022 as a result of great teamwork and collaboration between Kargo’s award-winning design team and one of our premier clients in the entertainment vertical. With a specific vision in mind, the client sought to activate a version of our Breakaway that did away with the collapsed positioning and placed the initial animated state as the focal point. Always determined to deliver for our clients, Kargo’s award-winning design team set out to make the brand’s vision a reality. After testing out this new experience, the data conclusively and clearly demonstrated that this new take on the Breakaway slot was a success (1.25% CTR, 27s Avg In-View Time). Seeing these strong results and realizing the potential to extend this impact into further executions, Kargo made the decision to productize this new experience. And thus, the Runway was born! 

The Runway is a Beyond the Banner unit that remains persistent at the bottom of the screen, and due to this specific placement, we carefully considered the total ad height in the design process in order to minimize intrusiveness. The key visual strategically breaks out from the bottom banner to create a clear optical hierarchy while effectively grabbing the user’s attention. 

In addition to delivering real results for our partners, this new, sticky format served to open doors, creatively speaking, into exploring additional executions within the ad slot.


Bolstered by the success of the Runway’s simple but compelling animation style, we built on this concept and created two additional treatments — Dual and Wheel. Like their predecessor, these two new executions successfully drive user engagement and grab attention in unique and innovative ways. 

The Runway Dual unit features two key lockups that either compare or contrast separate images (products, sports teams, characters, etc.) for eye-catching results. Similar to the animated Runway unit, the images are silhouetted and display the necessary logo, copy, and CTA on an artfully rounded background.

The Runway Wheel unit takes the slot to the next level by truly rotating in a wheel-like fashion. While revealing new imagery and product copy, this dynamic ad format allows users to engage with all four quarters of the wheel shape, offering multiple points of impact.

With these new and compelling ad units in place, Kargo is ready to take your campaign to new creative heights and drive high-performance results for your brand. Let Kargo get you Runway ready and see what all the hype is about!

Reach out to learn more about these new units for your next campaign!