Kargo Blog

The Dissolution of IDFA

Written by Kargo Insider | Jan 27, 2021 7:39:54 PM

With the release of iOS14, Apple has stated that IDFA will no longer be auto-enabled on devices for each app. IDFA is the device level identifier with which advertisers target, track and measure performance across users within app environments on iOS devices. Instead, users will be asked to explicitly opt into IDFA tracking with a notification such as the below, which will likely result in a depletion of the majority of users that are trackable by these apps. In 2020 alone, over 30% of iOS users chose to opt-out of tracking. Considering this was before IDFA became strictly an opt-in feature, we can only expect this trend to continue, essentially rendering IDFA useless. 


For in-app advertisers, this means they will lose the ability to target and retarget users, set frequency capping on their ads, and even measure the success of their campaigns. As a 100% mobile web-only environment, Kargo’s solutions are not directly impacted by IDFA depreciation. However, recognizing that Apple and other browser organizations have made efforts to develop and enhance technologies that emphasize user privacy in both app and web environments (such as Apple’s ITP), Kargo has invested heavily in developing targeting capabilities within the mobile web that do not rely on user-based identity tracking. 




Aligning creative with an article’s emotional context can make ads 40% more effective, and 67% of users would click on/read digital ads that better reflected how they felt.1

Partnering with IBM Watson, Kargo’s Brand Voice Analysis solution leverages natural language processing AI to analyze a brand’s social media presence and define the brand’s voice, persona and values. Using this technology, Kargo is also able to analyze editorial environments and identify content sentiment at the article level. Kargo’s Emotional Intelligence (E.I.) anticipates a person’s emotions during these content micro-moments, in which it embeds the most relevant brand message. E.I. can also be utilized to target specific emotional moments for enhanced emotional synergy. 

These insights together allow Kargo to deliver a brand’s message within emotionally aligned environments, ultimately driving incremental reach and an increase in share of voice with audiences.


Ads on sites with higher thematic alignment and high consumer attention have higher ROI than less aligned ad buys.2 Keyword targeting allows your brand to deliver their message within aligning subjects and contexts.

Kargo leverages keyword targeting powered by Grapeshot, which works by reading pages and looking at confluences of keywords; Grapeshot’s algorithm will then associate the page with segments in the platform. In addition to standard targeting and anti-targeting segments, Kargo can also leverage predictive targeting to reach audiences within trending content surrounding culturally relevant moments, such as Holiday Shopping and Oscar Buzz.


Kargo has itemized millions of articles and classified them to the IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy, which was developed in consultation with taxonomy experts, and defines thousands of contextual content categories on at least three different tiers. Kargo’s Contextual Graph is built using the IAB standard and, when combined with a customized premium publisher site list and keyword targeting segments, allows you to deliver your brand’s messages in hyper-contextually aligned environments. 

As the cookie crumbles, and browser organizations continue to adopt new technologies to protect users’ privacy and data, Kargo will continue to innovate, keeping advertisers ahead of the curve and ensuring campaign success. 

If you’d like to learn more about IDFA, be sure to check out our Kargo Knowledge page, or reach out to us to learn more about Kargo’s contextual targeting solutions.

1. Milward Brown, ‘Emotion in Advertising’, 2010; Yahoo, “The Receptivity of Emotions Study”, Mar 2017 
2. IRI Worldwide, 2017