Think back to any point in time when you were browsing a mobile website to catch up on news or read up on recipes, etc. How many banners did you see? What were they advertising? Can’t recall, right? Even those of us in advertising suffer from banner blindness. That’s why Kargo created our Branded Takeover program allowing advertisers to capture 100% SOV on an article page—and therefore actually capture consumer attention.
Now we’re proud to introduce Branded Takeover Interactive, the natural evolution of our Branded Takeover product. Not only does BTO Interactive allow ads on the page to interact with one another, it also allows advertisers to use multiple ad formats to tell a full story about their product or service as the user scrolls down the page. Just as animation can attract a user’s eye, the interactivity available in this version of the Branded Takeover is designed to pique curiosity.
Here are some of the ways Branded Takeover Interactive can help your brand stand out:

- INTERACTIVITY - PICKUP - Draws a user’s attention to your ads by having an in-article unit “pick up” an adhesive unit, followed by an animation within the in-article unit.
- INTERACTIVITY - CHANGEOVER - Leverages alternating colors within the adhesive unit to attract the user’s eyes to in-article units.
- SEQUENTIAL MESSAGING - Tells a story about a product or service across two or more in-article units, consistently grabbing a user’s attention and answering their curiosity to know more as they scroll down the page.
Do you want to optimize for video views by ensuring that users see the video in-article unit first? Sequential messaging makes this possible.Do you want to make sure that users see your “pick up interaction” right after they’ve passed by a specific in-article unit? Sequential messaging to the rescue again.
Flexibility in format and order make Branded Takeover Interactive a smart choice for advertisers looking for new ways to break through the clutter and stand out with options that enable more creative and elaborate storytelling. Try it today and see how it can help your brand beat banner blindness once and for all.
Reach out to learn more about how to add BTO Interactive to your next campaign!