The Power of Three: AI, Creative and Data Drive Better Business on Meta

August 1, 2024

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Alana Kopelson

Ready or not, Q4 is almost here. Once again, marketers find themselves contemplating the perennial quandary: will this be a time of opportunity embraced or opportunity lost? So much is on the line as we freefall into this critical marketing season. This year, the stakes feel even higher with AI looming around every corner. What’s a marketer to do? Well, the third annual Meta Performance Marketing Summit in San Francisco offered some key insights into groundbreaking innovations. Bottomline: It is time for brands to lean into automation - fully and completely.

When it comes to Meta, how specifically do brands do this? The answer is three-fold: Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, high quality creative and a solid data measurement strategy.

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns offer brands the most efficient solution when trying to achieve campaign goals, contributing to a +32% increase in ROAS. It applies AI to every aspect of a campaign: audience, creative, destination, placement, and budget. Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns created in the Kargo Commerce platform unlock additional functionality and efficiency beyond what is possible in native Ads Manager, including:

  • Data-driven creative overlays
  • 19% lower CPA for ad sets that successfully exit learning phase

According to Meta, creative is the new targeting. While Meta's algorithm is designed to promote content that connects with different audience segments, brands need to do more - in this case, the “more” is video. With viewers spending over 60% of their Facebook and Instagram time on videos, it is a must for brands on Meta. Kargo Commerce helps brands create better video assets by offering access to advanced creative tools that produce diverse ad formats.

The final piece is data. Measurement is the glue that holds it all together. According to Meta, leading organizations that invest in measurement tools are 44% more likely to exceed revenue goals. While there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach for understanding performance, Kargo offers a 360° measurement framework that Integrates experiments and modeling to deliver comprehensive and informative data.

With back-to-school and the holidays at your doorstep, it’s time to embrace the opportunity in automation and remember good things come in threes: Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, creative and data. Finish 2024 strong on Meta with Kargo Commerce!

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