March 8, 2017

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The digital ecosystem brings speed and convenience to consumers’ lives. It's also enables advertisers to promote products and services to consumers across countless channels, every second of every day. The growing digital, and more specifically, mobile industry, has to adapt to these new content streams, with an eye on how environments hugely impact ad effectiveness.
Mobile User Behavior
Today, advertisers face challenges that were not necessarily issues in the days of traditional media. For example, in TV or print advertising, an advertiser had to worry about their ad within that one medium, reducing many factors to consider.

In the mobile world, advertisers face many variables—multiple operating systems, platforms and distribution channels— that can impact the delivery, attention, and effectiveness of their marketing efforts. Add to those challenges the varying mindsets consumers bring to specific mobile activities across these environments, and we have to ask—how does it all impact ad performance?

Partnering with Nielsen, Kargo tested smartphone users experience in premium editorial, social, and search content. In a live in-market test, they absorbed the content as they normally would.  Eye tracking and post-exposure survey tools were used at Nielsen’s Media Lab facility at Television City in Las Vegas.

Check out the topline results below and download our white paper for the whole story.

Key Findings:

- Significantly more fully-visible ads appear and remain on screen in long-term reading environments than in social feeds and search.

- Fully visible ads are visible in editorial content for an average of 44 seconds, compared to 6 seconds in search, and 3 seconds in social.

- Brands in editorial in-stream ad units are remembered significantly more than those in social feeds.


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