As Seen On AdNews

AdNews' Young Guns profile takes a look at some of the young talent across the advertising, adtech, marketing and media sector in Australia. It aims to shed light on the varying roles, people and companies across the buzzing industry.
This week's Young Gun: Kargo's NSW Sales Manager, Eliza Banks.
Time at the company:
I have been at Kargo for one year and prior to this Pacific Magazines.
How long have you been in the industry?
Five years.
How did you get here? Was this always the plan?
I fell into studying dental health and science and worked in the industry for a few years. However, I just knew there was something else calling for me that involved a more creative spark!
One of my very first jobs out of school was an extra on Home & Away and my eyes would light up at the production side of filming.
The show was filmed was in the studios at Redfern at Media City and I remember looking up at the offices thinking one day I will be in there. Doing what exactly I had no idea!
As it turns out after working at Channel 9, I got the job and did work in the office above the studios in Redfern for a company called Pacific Magazines, working on all the titles that Australians know and love.
Who is your right-hand person?
I would have to say no one particular person, there has got to be many influential and motivating people I have worked with over the years in media that have helped shape where I am today. The industry has so many powerful women who are breaking the glass ceiling and it is an exciting time to watch and learn. One person in particular would have to be Nicky Briger, Marie Claire editor – there was never a project that was too big and working with her was always inspiring!
Day to day now it would have to be my Kargo team in APAC, whilst small they provide lots of support and guidance.
What’s the best thing about the industry you work in?
It is fast paced and always evolving. There are plenty of opportunities to learn, grow and meet new people. I think we are very fortunate to work in an industry where socialising this much is acceptable! But in all seriousness being exposed to so many amazing clients & brands - the people are what make you get out of bed each day.
And the biggest challenge?
Keeping up with the speed of digital is as much exciting as it is challenging, trying to stay in front of all the new latest updates and trends and ensure there are solutions to provide clients. In mobile adtech there seems to always be new systems, vendors and products to be across.
Media is a very reactive industry – so you have to roll with the punches and be very adaptive!
Whose job have you set your sights on in the future?
For the short term I see myself growing within my current business however hopefully one day working on an exciting brand client side in the health and lifestyle category like Bumble or Nike, brands that are big and bold.
Where do you turn for inspiration?
I always think clearly by the ocean. Getting involved in nature and allowing myself to slow down always resets me for another week ahead. Also a nice acoustic playlist will help my creative thinking!
My favourite advert is:
Without a doubt the Cadbury Gorilla ad…. I’m also a big Phill Collins fan!
Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?
I used to compete years ago in bikini bodybuilding competitions as a hobby… absolutely not sustainable in media land, which is fine, because being social is more fun anyway!
In five years’, time I'll be:
Living by the coast somewhere and hopefully smashing it at Kargo leading a team and inspiring people around me. I think the real benefit of working for a global company is the potential to work in other markets, which I would always consider the opportunity if it popped up! I have always wanted to work client side for a brand I felt real connection too – so not closing off these projections either!